Our Mission
"Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Develops Leaders, Promotes Brotherhood and Academic Excellence While Providing Service and Advocacy for Our Communites"

Welcome to Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Association of Tennessee Alphamen
Official District Website

Greetings and welcome to the District of Tennessee
As the 14th District Director of the Great state of Tennesseee, representing over 450 active Brothers (24 Chapters- 7 Alumni Chapters and 17 Colleges Chapters), I extend to you greetings an behalf of Brother David Caddle- Assistant District Director, the Executive Leadership team, and the Brothers of the District of Tennessee. We have a commitment, dedication, and obligation to effect positive change in our communities and in our organization. With our obligation to service we will continue to champion the mission statement of the Fraternity by developing leaders, promoting brotherhood and academic excellence, while providing service and advocacy to our communities. As an award winning district, we will stand for the educational excellence with our brothers and throughout the Tennessee District and all of Alpha.
The Association of Tennessee Alphamen
Bro. Tony Beard
14th District Director of Tennessee